Observatório Brasil
Observatório Brasil is a technology company specializing in monitoring legislative projects across the country. As a spin-off of a law firm, the company offers comprehensive coverage of legislative initiatives, using cutting-edge technology to maintain an extensive and up-to-date database of laws and their changes.

The main challenge was to integrate and manage a vast volume of political data from various sources, ensuring accuracy and timeliness. The system needed to be able to monitor legislative activities in real time, identify political trends, and provide actionable insights for corporate and institutional clients. Additionally, the platform had to be accessible and intuitive to facilitate user interaction with large volumes of data.
Observatório Brasil is an artificial intelligence platform focused on political and legislative monitoring across the country. Originally, the project consisted of creating a Big Data system to track 100% of legislative bills in federal and state houses. With the implementation of a Data Lake House solution, Observatório Brasil now aggregates political data from over 30,000 sources, including public databases and social networks, allowing for comprehensive and detailed analysis of the Brazilian political landscape.
The implementation of the new solution resulted in a more robust and comprehensive system, capable of providing detailed and real-time political monitoring. Observatório Brasil now offers complete coverage of legislative activities, enabling users to identify trends and make informed decisions. The platform has significantly improved data accessibility, increasing user engagement and satisfaction, and consolidating its position as an essential tool for political monitoring in Brazil.

We developed a Data Lake House solution that centralizes and organizes data efficiently. We created monitoring tools that track laws and politicians' activities, generating detailed histories and trend analyses. We implemented an intuitive chat that allows users to interact with over 50TB of data, facilitating querying and analysis. The integrated structure of the Data Lake House offers valuable and easily accessible insights.
Agile methodology is a dynamic framework that prioritizes incremental deliveries and continuous adaptability. With a focus on short sprints, it fosters collaboration between cross-functional teams and clients, ensuring a rapid response to changes. By utilizing practices like Scrum and Kanban, we optimize the workflow and maximize value delivery. Our agile approach ensures efficiency and constant alignment with client needs, driving superior results.

"Working with Observatório Brasil has been a revelatory experience. The ability to access legislative data in such a comprehensive and accurate manner has exceeded our expectations. The platform not only provides us with essential information but also empowers us to make more informed and strategic decisions. We are impressed with the efficiency and positive impact this solution has brought to our business."